
  • Teachings

    1 teaching per sphere

  • Acadmey Course

    To access all resources and videos to create a more focused study experience.

  • Workbooks

    Printable PDF workbooks to accompany each of the 4 parts of the journey

  • Resources

    Guided meditations and resources to help enrich your journey.

  • [BONUS] Archetype Courses

    With your purchase, you will also get access to the four UYD Archetype courses in your Activation Sequence / Incarnation Cross.

Pricing options

Select an option that fits your needs. Pause, close your eyes, take a deep breath and feel into your body. Set the intention for this journey and surrender as you press purchase.

* All purchases are final.

The Activation Sequence

This first sequence of the Golden Path is about grounding into your physicality. 

Step by step it orients you physically into your body into the center of your inner world. Here is where you find your inner purpose and core stability.

In the Activation Sequence, you activate your 4 prime gifts - Life’s Work, Evolution, Radiance, Purpose. 

These are the pillars of your genius, they encode the living fabric of your destiny and are the seeds of your potential transformation.

In FOUND you reprogram the way you see yourself, the way you feel within your body, and the way you respond to life. You realize your genius is not what you do but who you are. And it first comes from BEING IN YOUR BODY.

You align with your core and find stability in your truth. Internally this is about responding to life rather than reacting to life. Externally core stability has less to do with willpower and muscular power and more to do with the tensile, flexible strength of fascia and your flow in the world.

Richard Rudd explains that core stability is a state of dynamic equilibrium and compassionate clarity that results whenever a person begins to live and move from their deep core.

The 4 Prime Gifts

Life's Work

(Conscious Sun)



What we are here to do

How we serve the world


(Conscious Earth)

Your biggest challenge

What reminds you of your humanity

Coming back to it over and over again


(Unconscious Sun)

Dictates your health, vitality & aura

Hidden instrument of your intuition

GPS that guides you in finding the right experiences and people in life


(Unconscious Earth)

Designed to be unlocked by life

Calls upon you to evolve through your challenges

Inner essence and what you're rooted into

More being than doing


    1. The Gene Keys Activation Sequence

    2. Getting Your Human Design & Gene Keys Charts

    3. 💻 Tutorial: Genetic Matrix - Pro Plan & Various Charts

    1. Attunement | Life's Work (28:04)

    2. Workbook | Life's Work

    3. PDF | My Unique Energy

    4. [ ▶️ Teaching ] Life's Work / Conscious Sun

    5. Life Map & Key (Richard Rudd)

    6. Life's Work Lines - Higher Service Keynotes & Questions

    1. Evolution | Workbook

    2. PDF | My Unique Energy

    3. [ ▶️ Teaching ] Evolution / Conscious Earth

    1. Radiance | Workbook

    2. PDF | My Unique Energy

    3. [ ▶️ Teaching ] Radiance Sphere / Unconscious Sun

    1. Purpose | Workbook

    2. PDF | My Unique Energy

    3. [ ▶️ Teaching ] Purpose / Unconscious Earth

    4. The 6 Lines

    1. Bridging the Gap

    2. 💻 Tutorial: Genetic Matrix - Pro Plan & Various Charts

About this course

  • $400.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content


Rachel Delaney

“Imagine being able to immerse yourself straight into the journey of your soul! This is packed with so many valuable resources and tools to discover who you really are. Ashley and Bella’s energy and flow bring forth exactly what is needed to activate your own Genius and ignite the light within YOU. Jump into the Activation Sequence here and you’ll find exactly what's needed to illuminate your path forward and embrace challenges by understanding your gifts. Swim with the shadows. Dive deep into the gifts. Discover the Siddhis that await you. Whether you’re just beginning to explore Gene Keys and Human Design or you want to learn how to weave together both systems, this is the space to do it!”


It's Time to Come Home and Activate Your Genius.