Journey ...

The Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey is waiting for you to answer the call to adventure and extract the healing medicine for yourself and the world. You will never feel completely ready for the underworld, just remember it’s an essential part of the journey and a portal to your shamanic gift.

Through the Journey Masterclass you will ...

  • Bring healing awareness to a sense of woundedness or brokenness you may have carried for you whole life

  • Discover the area of your life your life where your Hero’s Journey starts and ends

  • Become aware of and and refine the unique skill you have been working on your whole life (maybe without realizing)

  • Bring acceptance your entire self and the whole of life

  • Understand how to use the archetype ally of your Journey for your own healing and empowerment

  • Uncover your shamanic gift and how to share it with the world

  • Understand your Journey activation from an Astrological, Human Design, Gene Keys, Hexagram Line, and Archetypal perspective


Your Journey Course Includes ...

  • Live Masterclass

    A comprehensive teaching call to initiate you into your personal Hero's Journey through the lens of Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Line Expression and Archetype.

  • Comprehensive Workbook

    The accompanied workbook will help you explore, inquire and gather the details unique to your activation.

  • Resources

    Related resources to help you on your journey into your Journey Activation.

  • Q&A

    A separate live call where you can ask questions that relate to your Journey activation.

  • Personalized Reading

    Add-on a chart interpretation support from one of our expert readers.

Purchase this Masterclass

Get the Bundle

  • $264.00

    Transformation Codes Bundle

    FUEL, MYSTERY AND JOURNEY MASTERCLASSES. The trifecta of transformation. The fuel that ignites and powers you life's mission, the mystery of your Pluto activation and the hero's journey of your Chiron activation. Plus the transmutation process these three activations afford you.
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Your Facilitators

Quantum Facilitator Ashley Pfeffer

SPIRITUALITY - PARENTING - BRANDING - GENE KEYS - HUMAN DESIGN Expansion happens as you evolve on all levels. Discover your genius, open your heart and give back to the world authentically. Ashley bridges the wisdom of the Gene Keys and Human Design to help you align with your Divine Blueprint. From this place of alignment all things are possible! Her enthusiasm will activate your inner child. And as a creative catalyst she will connect you with your own creative spark within. Ashley is a master initiator that brings innovation and peace of being to people in life transitions (between the endings and beginnings). When you can find peace in being yourself, you stop comparing and competing with others. You are able to fully express your genius and show up healed, whole and empowered. This is where the magic happens and altruism begins.

Quantum Facilitator Bella Krystal

DNA ACTIVATION - GENE KEYS - HUMAN DESIGN - KUNDALINI “Follow your own unique rebellious spirit out into the world.” Bella weaves many paths into one, threading tantra and shamanism into everything she does. Gene Keys & Human Design reveal the gifts and challenges encoded in our DNA and empower us to transmute shadow patterns into gold. We start living to the fullest - aligned with our Genetic Blueprint and Soul - serving the whole through our creative expression. Enlightenment isn’t about transcending the physical body - it’s about grounding in our physicality and opening the heart. We allow life force to move through us, with its extraordinary power to unlock unprecedented levels of awareness, divine trust, love and intimacy.

Other Business by Design Masterclasses

  • $264.00

    Transformation Codes Bundle

    FUEL, MYSTERY AND JOURNEY MASTERCLASSES. The trifecta of transformation. The fuel that ignites and powers you life's mission, the mystery of your Pluto activation and the hero's journey of your Chiron activation. Plus the transmutation process these three activations afford you.
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  • $97.00

    Business by Design: Fuel

    Unleash the fuel that powers your mission through healing transmutation of your wounds (Personal, Collective & Mythical).
    Buy Now
  • $97.00

    Business by Design: Mystery

    Dare to go down to the deep waters of transformation, where your soul and subconscious may feel failure or resignation. The portal is still open and something completely new is waiting for you on the other side of this process. Enter the MYSTERY of your Pluto activation.
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  • $264.00

    Expansion Codes Bundle

    LEGACY, PROTOCOL and STRATEGY & AUTHORITY MASTERCLASSES. Your guidelines for expansion.
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  • $97.00

    Business by Design: Legacy

    Learn the law you live by and the legacy you'll leave after you're gone. A masterclass on your Conscious Jupiter Activation.
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  • $97.00

    Business by Design: Protocol

    The guidelines to setup your everyday life, work environment & team dynamics for optimal fulfillment and prosperity. A masterclass on your Unconscious Jupiter Activation.
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  • $97.00

    Business by Design: Strategy & Authority

    Learn Strategy & Authority through the Human Design system. Start living in alignment today.
    Buy Now

Your Journey activation is one of many Business by Design activations. 

Your Soul Business Merkaba is the key to a Sovereign and Soul aligned business owner.

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