A Complete Series on the 12 Human Design Profiles

Includes teaching videos on the 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/1, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 & 6/3 profiles as well as detailed description of all 6 lines.

When you are LOST in a sea of Human Design language...

It can be hard to navigate and, most importantly, know how to utilize it for yourself personally.

It can be easy to get distracted in the "learning" that it stays a mental concept and never gets to be WALKED in your life.

We want to show you how to bring this knowledge INSIDE your body so YOU can discern what wisdom wants to come forth.
So that YOU can filter and align to your own Truth.

And so ...LOST has been birthed for you to begin your embodiment journey.

Empowerment, Naturalness, Alignment, Truth, Leadership, Vision
Embodied Purpose
Embodied YOU
Will you join us?

Free Gene Key Profile: https://genekeys.com/free-profile/

Free Human Design Chart: bit.ly/GENETICMATRIX

This is Foundational

Master all 12 profile types & improve your ability to read charts!

This is not just for you ...

parenting, relationships & clients

Course curriculum

    1. Start Here

    2. Welcome to LOST

    1. Part 1 | Welcome & Overview

    1. The 4/1 & 5/1 Profiles

    2. [PDF] The 4/1 Profile

    3. [PDF] The 5/1 Profile

    1. The 6/2 & 5/2 Profiles

    2. [PDF] The 5/2 Profile

    3. [PDF] The 6/2 Profile

    1. Part 4 | The 1/3 & 6/3 Profiles

    2. [PDF] The 1/3 Profile

    3. [PDF] The 6/3 Profile

    1. Part 5 | The 1/4 & 2/4 Profiles

    2. [PDF] The 1/4 Profile

    3. [PDF] The 2/4 Profile

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content

Your Guides

ASHLEY, 5/1 Sacral Generator, LAX Plane 

The Peacemaker (6.5) - The Storm (36.5) - The Wild Woman (15.1) - The Natural (10.1)

BELLA, 4/6 Sacral Genetator, RAX Spinx
The Feminine (2.4) - The Spark (1.4) - The Confidant (13.6) - The Alpha (7.6)

This journey was designed to help you deeply connect with your profile.

Purchase the Complete Series

A note to the "seasoned" GK and HD peeps:

 This series is still for YOU. Bella and Ashley are amazing synthesizers and bring you new ways to look at and embody your design. If your curiosity brought you here then you probably already sensed there is something in here for ya.

 🙌  Great work using your spidey senses!