The 7 Solar Plexus Hub Archetypes
BundleIncludes the Fire Started (30), the Game Changer (55), the Revolutionary (49), the Peacemaker (6), the Mother (37), Grace (22) & the Storm (36). Access for 365 days or yearly subscription plan to include updates.
The 9 Sacral Hub Archetypes
BundleThe Nourisher (27), the Black Panther (34), the Rhythmic (5), the Powerhouse (14), the Water Goddess (29), the Playmate (59), the Mountaineer (9), the Eternal Child (3) & the Nomad (42) archetype courses. Access for 365 days or yr subscription.
The 9 Root Hub Archetypes
BundleIncludes the Vital (58), the Warrior (38), the Achiever (54), the Initiator (53), the Magician (60), the Mountain (52), the Eutierrian (19), the Liberator (39), the Originator (41) archetype courses. Access for 365 days or yr subscription.